Tag Archives: iCopyright

Associated Press Now Charging $2.50 Per Word

The Associated Press signed a deal in April with iCopyright, provider of the intelligent copyright system. Their plans include for anyone planning on reprinting an article or even 5 words of an article, the AP expects you to cough up $2.50 per word. That’s $12.50 per five words, and $100 for 251 words or more, meaning just about any reprint of an article will cost $100. But I guess educational and non-profit organizations get a discount. How gracious.

It’s understandable that the AP is uptight given the fact that social media is making ad revenue off of their content, however much said social media websites credit the AP. Still, not only will this idea not be popular, in my opinion this can only hurt the AP; in the end, they’re directly attacking sources of traffic for a system that will not work.

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